Borrow • Play • Learn • Return
Borrow: To check a game out, an adult can scan the QR code on the outside of the little free library to fill out the Google form with your information. Please borrow no more than one game per child so we can let lots of families enjoy the games!
Play and Learn: Enjoy the game at home with your family! Feel free to keep the game for a week or two if you and your child like it! If it's not for you, you can return it sooner. Please take good care of our games so they last for a long time!
Return: Return the game to the Little Free Game Library when you are ready. Use the QR code to check the game back in. Make sure to include all of the pieces. Let us know if there is an issue with the game (missing pieces or directions, etc.). If the library is full, please return the game to someone in the school during normal school hours.
Thank you for your help in making the Mount Vernon Elementary Little Free Game Library a success!