
The Civil Rights Teams at Maranacook Community Middle and High Schools stand together with our staff, students, families, and nation, against racism, inequality, and injustice against our Black and Brown community members. During these difficult times, we recognize the feelings of sadness and anger that people have as a result of George Floyd’s death and the many other black and brown lives that have been lost to police brutality. The Civil Rights Teams at Maranacook are committed to educating our school communities about bias and how that can lead to racism and systemic oppression. The work of the Civil Rights Teams strives to create safe, supportive learning environments for all students regardless of their race/skin color, religion, mental/physical disabilities, gender (including gender identity/expression), sexual orientation, or national origin/ancestry. Our hearts are hurting but our school community can stand together because hate has no place here.

Please click on the link below for more resources that we have put together.

Responding to an Incident of Bias 2