Poinsettia flyer

The Class of 2026 is selling poinsettias again this year to raise money for prom and our graduation celebration!  

This year, all orders will be collected via Google form. Payment can be sent via Venmo to @KristieSniffen or given to your student's advisor. Please make checks payable to RSU 38.

All orders are due by November 6th. We would like payment with the orders, but we can also accept them at pick-up. 

The poinsettias will be available for pickup on Wednesday, December 4th. We will email those who order with specifics on the time and location.

We’ve included a link to the Google form and attached a flyer with a QR code to share. You can email these links or post them on social media! 

If you do not have a student to list as the student who sold to you, please enter, “Kristie Sniffen.”

Link to the Google Form


If you have any questions, please reach out to liz_guillemette@maranacook.com.

Thank you for your support!