MacBook Air Laptop

This year we are trying something new at Maranacook Community High School.  We will be having Early Laptop Pickup times in August.  During the week of August 19th, we will host 3 times for families to come to the high school and fill out forms (or bring in the forms that were mailed out) with the users fee and pick up laptops. The dates are as follows:

August 19th @ 5:00pm – 6:00pm HS Main Office
August 20th @ Noon – 1:00pm HS Main Office
August 23rd @ 7:00am – 8:00am HS Main Office

We hope that one of these dates will work for your family. However, if these dates do not meet your family’s needs, return the forms that have been sent out in the mail to the High School by August 23rd to meet the first laptop distribution on August 30th. All forms turned in after August 23rd will go to the next distribution date of September 6th. All forms that are received by September 3rd will meet the 2nd laptop distribution of September 6th.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kelly Thompson at 685-4923 ext. 1038.