This April Maranacook Community High School and our partner school Erasmus von-Rotterdam-Gymnasium in Germany renewed our friendship and partnerships in person. Our student group is there now!
Want to read more? Check out the student GAPP blog. This blog shares the international adventures of this small band of Maranacook students and their intrepid teacher, Kerry Anderson, taking place THIS WEEK as well as last. Maranacook has a proud tradition with the German American Partnership Program (GAPP), although we have not been able to visit our German partner school or welcome them here in a number of years.
As Kerry herself says, “GAPP really does touch our communities – it brings youth and their families from both sides of the Atlantic together, and it helps everyone involved be more aware of and caring toward the wider world. It gives our students an incredible opportunity to experience life in another family, school, and country; it broadens horizons and opens minds; it increases language skills; it can inspire life-long, international friendships.”
We are very grateful to our hosts in Germany, especially school educators and host families! We are looking forward to hosting them in the fall.