
March 30, 2022

This letter is to update you all about the concerning situation at the High School regarding a recent surge in positive COVID19 cases. Over the past few days we have had close to 30 positive cases among students and staff. As you can see we are trying our best to stay on top of the situation by closing the building and having a deep cleaning done. However, we also need your help in order to limit the continued transmission of the virus. On Thursday 3/31 and Friday 4/1, the health center staff will be available to test students or staff curbside who would like to be tested. We are asking that anyone who has symptoms or known exposure and wants a test that they be proactive and schedule one with the health center (or administer a home test). Please contact the health center if your student isn’t feeling well or if anyone in your household has tested positive. Together we can get past this as quickly as possible. 

Health Center Contact information:

Sarah Morrill RN, Health Center Director 685-4923 ext. 1019,

Anya Davidson RN, School Nurse 685-4923 ext. 1033,