
January 28, 2022

Dear Staff, Students, and Families,

This letter is to update covid case information thru Friday, January 28th as of approximately 3:00 pm.  We have had 39 student and 4 staff positive cases reported this week.  (This is a welcome decrease for all!) Update to MTVES outbreak status: the school will remain in outbreak status until at least February 11, 2022.

At this time I am including a chart from the CDC that addresses guidance on community and in home exposure that may serve as a resource when making decisions around exposure that is not school related. 

We can not stress the importance of open lines of communication concerning symptoms and exposure that will happen away from school. We are doing all that is possible to reduce the need to go remote but need your help.  Communicate with your building nurse if your student develops symptoms or if there are positive cases with your home. Open communication lines help us help you.  

Finally, as you will be hearing Commissioner Pender Makin from the Maine Department of Education heard about our many staffing issues and spent time at Readfield Elementary School today helping as an interventionist, a duty teacher, office support and generally went where needed! (She even delivered donuts to the staff!) I speak for the RES staff in our messages of thanks for recognizing the struggles and for being so willing to be part of our team by offering her services.


Be safe this weekend with the forecasted nor’easter!


Jay Charette

Superintendent of Schools