January 19, 2022

Dear Staff, Students, and Families,

This letter is an update to the remote status of Manchester Elementary and Maranacook Middle Schools.  At this time we continue to closely monitor staff and student cases in both schools.  The middle school has seen a significant uptick in cases with a total of 28 student cases in the past 5 days.  Staffing continues to be a major issue in both schools with multiple staff out due to covid related reasons. 

At this time the decision has been made to send Manchester Elementary School and  Maranacook Middle School remote for the remainder of the week, Thursday, January 20 thru Friday, January 21.

  • Our tentative return to school date for all remote buildings is Monday, January 24th. We will be watching both student and staff case counts closely to inform our return through the weekend.

  • Any students/families that need food service please reach out to Jen Hall, Food Service Director.  She can be reached through email at: Jen_Hall@maranacook.com, work phone at (207) 685-4923 ext. 1085 or cell phone at (207) 242-0814. Individual arrangements will be made to best facilitate the families needs.  Please reach out at your earliest convenience.

  • At this time Wayne Elementary, Mount Vernon Elementary and Maranacook High Schools will continue to run as scheduled.

Know that the decision to go remote is not one made lightly.  We understand the hardship moving to remote learning can create in our families and communities.  We all recognize the best place for students is in schools and are doing everything possible to stay open and /or return to in person learning as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this rapidly evolving landscape.


Jay Charette

Superintendent of Schools