
January 5, 2022

Dear Staff, Students, and Families,

This letter is to inform you of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that was provided by the Maine Department of Education to schools on 12/30/21 and is based on the updated CDC guidance for isolation and quarantines.  What follows is a summary of the information,  simplified in order to help you understand the procedures that we will be following throughout the RSU38 school district.

  • Screening - It is very important that you screen your family for symptoms EVERY DAY. The screener can be found here. Contact your school nurse with any questions.

  • Positive test - If an individual tests positive (student or staff) they must isolate for 5 days. The date of the confirmed test is considered day 0 for counting purposes or the development of symptoms is considered day 0.   If symptoms are resolving then they may return to school/work but are required to wear a mask for days 6 thru 10 at all times. (Under this SOP individuals must community quarantine.) 

  • Please note that any illness requires that the individual be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.

  • If a student is sent home from school due to a positive COVID19 test we ask that the individual be picked up within 30 minutes to minimize exposure to others.

  • Contact tracing - We continue to contact trace. Under the new SOP quarantine status is determined using the SOP chart included in this letter.

Summarizing :

  • If an individual falls in 1, 2, 3, or 4 = No quarantine: wear a mask around others for 10 days.

  • If an individual falls in 5 or 6 = Community quarantine for 5 days: wear a mask around others for a total of 10 days.

  • If an individual falls in 7 = Quarantine for 5 days, wear a mask around others for a total of 10 days.

  • Close contacts will continue to be notified of exposure.  It is encouraged that close contacts get a test on day 5 after exposure.  

  • There is no more contact tracing on any buses. (However, we will still be using assigned seating and open windows for adequate ventilation.)

  • Home Tests - We will accept home tests that have the following information clearly labeled on the test: Full Name, Time, and Date. (A photo of the test with all information may be sent to the school nurse directly.  A negative test will be followed up with a repeat test at school when the student/staff arrives.)

As we have asked in the past, it is vitally important that you communicate with the school nurse around symptoms, testing, and exposure to positive cases (in and outside of school).  Your assistance is needed moving forward to continue to keep our schools open to in person learning.  Also, the SOP is always subject to change.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Jay Charette

Superintendent of Schools