
November 22, 2021

Dear Staff, Students, and Families,

This letter is to update  the status of  RSU #38 schools and contains other important information please read in its entirety.  Readfield Elementary School has been identified as being in outbreak status. An outbreak means that there are three or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 within a 14-day period that are epidemiologically linked.  We have been in touch with the CDC and have an assigned investigator in which we can reach out to for questions. At this time school will continue to operate as scheduled.

Included here is covid information for the district through the date of this letter:

Pool Testing is progressing with the middle school being the first school to implement last week.  The week of November 25th Readfield Elementary will be included, with the High School beginning the week of December 6th and Manchester Elementary on the week of December 13th.  Our final two schools will be coming onboard in January.  We highly encourage participation as part of the Maine SOP which allows students participating in pool testing to forgo community quarantine.  This allows student athletes at all ages to continue to participate in extracurricular activities.

On a more positive note I want to remind everyone that the Maranacook Educational Foundation sponsors an employee appreciation award each month.  We encourage students, parents, and community members to nominate an employee when they have gone above and beyond in service to our learning communities.  To learn more about MEF please visit maranacook.org or to nominate a staff member click here.

Congratulations to the High School Football team on an outstanding season!  We are all very proud of your accomplishments and want to thank you for an exciting season.  Also, congratulations to the cast and crew of  The Iliad, The Odyssey, and All of Greek Mythology in 99 Minutes or Less.  It was a dynamic four nights of performances that returned live theater to Maranacook Community High School. Go Bears!

Finally, I would like to say Happy Thanksgiving to all the students, their families, RSU #38 staff and our communities.  Please take time to relax and renew your spirits with family and friends on this short holiday break.  Schools will reopen on Monday, November 29th.  Stay safe and healthy!


James Charette

Superintendent of Schools