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School boards play a big role in making sure all students get a good education, especially students who need extra help learning and may qualify for special education services. They have three main goals when it comes to special education: providing resources, ensuring legal compliance, and monitoring program success.

Providing Resources

The first major objective of school boards is to provide all the resources needed for special education programs. They decide how much money to spend on teachers, educational technicians, and special equipment that helps students based on their individual learning needs. For example, they might buy special technology that makes it easier for students with different learning needs to access their education, or they also ensure schools have adequate physical spaces for required related services (physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy).  By allocating the proper resources, and funds, school boards make sure that special education departments can provide a Free and Appropriate Education to students with special education needs, which is federally mandated.

Ensuring Legal Compliance

The second main objective is making sure schools follow all the special education laws and rules. There are important laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that protect students' rights to get the support they need in school. School boards work hard to make sure every school understands and follows these laws. They also make sure parents know about their rights and the services available for their children. This includes making sure each student has an individualized education plan that fits their specific needs, if they qualify for special education services.

Monitoring Program Success

The third major objective of school boards is monitoring how well special education programs are working. They regularly look at information like test scores, student progress reports, and feedback from various stakeholders. If areas are identified through the State monitoring system, or as a part of internal reviews, the school board works with the district special education department to help address any challenges.  This ongoing monitoring is critical to make sure programs, resources and supports are in line with the individual needs of the students, staff and district.

Finally, school boards bring these three objectives together to create strong special education programs that help every student receiving services succeed. They work with parents, teachers, and school leaders to make sure these systems are in place and their careful attention to resources, laws, and program success helps make sure every student has the chance to learn and grow in school, no matter what kind of help they need.

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